پاسخ تمرینات کتاب انگلیسی سوم راهنمایی

  • آموزش درس به درس زبان انگليسي سوم راهنمايي(کل کتاب)همراه با تمرین

    زبان انگليسي سوم راهنمايي   درس اول S مالكيت گرامر يا دستور زبان اين درس درباره استفاده از S مالكيت ، يا آپُستروف S، مي باشد و قسمت ديگر گرامر آن درباره استفاده از of در نسبت دادن شيء به شيء ديگر مي باشد.نكات گرامري اين درس به ترتيب زير مي باشد.   نكات 1 – هر گاه بخواهيم جسمي يا شيء را به انساني تعلق و مالكيت دهيم، ابتدا يك آپُستروف s يا(s') به آخر اسم انسان اضافه مي كنيم سپس نام شيء مورد نظر را به دنبال‌ آن مي آوريم . مثال :Sara's book : كتاب ساراTeacher's pen : خودكار معلم 2 – (s') يا آپُستروف s مالكيت مخصوص تعلق جسم يا شي به انسان است و براي تعلق دادن شي به شي ديگر هرگز به كار نمي رود. 3 - اگر اسمي كه مي خواهيم شيء را به آن نسبت دهيم به حرف S ختم شود و يا s جمع به دنبال داشته باشد كافي است فقط علامت آپُستروف را سمت راست آن S كه در آخر اسم وجود دارد بياوريم مثل :Student's books : كتاب هاي دانش آموزانGirl's dresses: لباس هاي دختران 4 – اگر بخواهيم شيء را به شئي ديگر تعلق و مالكيت دهيم ، كافي است حرف اضافه of را بين اسم آن دو شي قرار دهيم مثل : The door of the class : دربِ كلاس شي تعلق داده شده حرف اضافه The legs of the table : پايه هاي ميز 5- حرف اضافه of فقط براي تعلق دادن شي به شي ديگر به كار مي رود و براي تعلق دادن شي به انسان ها به كار نمي رود.6 – نكته ديگر اين درس در مورد استفاده از «صفت» مي باشد. همانطور كه مي دانيد « صفت» كلمه اي است كه مشخص كننده وضعيت يا حالت اسم مي باشد. صفت قبل از اسم مي آيد و آن را توصيف مي كند مانند : Old man :‌مردِ پير old: صفت man : اسم Easy question : سؤالِ آسانEasy : صفت question : اسم 7- در جمله صفت قبل از اسم مي آيد و آن را توصيف مي كنند مانند : The old man is in the room. پير مرد در اتاق است و يا بعد از فعل to be مانند am-is- are مي‌آيد مانند : The question is easy. سؤال آسان استeasy : صفت This girl is very fat . اين دختر خيلي چاق استfat : صفت 8- نام رنگ ها خود صفت هستند چون اسم را توصيف مي كنند مانند : Blue car اتوبوس آبيRed shoes كفش هاي قرمز 9- بعضي از صفاتي كه شما با آن ها آشنا هستيد عبارتند از : Tall : بلند , short: كوتاه ,thin: لاغرFat : ‌چاق , small : كوچك , large: بزرگOld: قديمي , new: جديد , young: جوانHard : مشكل , easy: آسان , blue: آبيRed: قرمز , yellow : زرد , black : سياه    تمرين :1 – با توجه به جملات داده شده ، جملات جديد بسازيد و در آن ها 's‌يا of به كار ببريد. 1- Ali has a car . It is red.پاسخ: Ali's car is red . چون Ali انسان (جاندار) است براي تعلق دادن car به Ali از 's استفاده مي كنيم. 2- This table has four legs. These are short.پاسخ:The legs of this table are short. چون مي خواهيم the legs(بي جان) را به this تعلق دهيم از of استفاده مي كنيم.    2 – گزينه صحيح را انتخاب كنيد 1- what colour are these apples? They are ………..a) red apple b) applesc) red d) red ...

  • حل تمرینات زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان

    درس یک زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان شامل :معنی کلمات ، معنی درس ، آموزش گرامر ، مکالمه ، درک مطلب ، .... می باشد.درس اول درس اول جدیددرس دوم زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان شامل :معنی کلمات ، معنی درس ، آموزش گرامر ، مکالمه ، درک مطلب ، .... می باشد.درس دومدرس سوم زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان شامل :معنی کلمات ، معنی درس ، آموزش گرامر ، مکالمه ، درک مطلب ، .... می باشد.درس سومدرس چهارم زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان شامل :معنی کلمات ، معنی درس ، آموزش گرامر ، مکالمه ، درک مطلب ، .... می باشد.درس چهارمدرس پنجم زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان شامل :معنی کلمات ، معنی درس ، آموزش گرامر ، مکالمه ، درک مطلب ، .... می باشد.درس پنجمدرس ششم زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان شامل :معنی کلمات ، معنی درس ، آموزش گرامر ، مکالمه ، درک مطلب ، .... می باشد.درس ششمدرس هفتم زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان شامل :معنی کلمات ، معنی درس ، آموزش گرامر ، مکالمه ، درک مطلب ، .... می باشد.درس هفتم

  • آموزش درس به درس زبان انگليسي دوم راهنمايي(کل کتاب)همراه با تمرین

    آموزش درس به درس زبان انگليسي دوم راهنمايي درس اول دستور زبان رنگ ها   دستور زبان دستور زبان يا گرامر اين درس در مورد رنگ ها مي باشد. در اين درس شما مي آموزيد كه چگونه رنگ چيزي را بپرسيد يا اگر رنگ چيزي از شما پرسيده شود چگونه پاسخ بدهيد. به نكات زير توجه كنيد.    نكته ها : 1 – كلمه اي كه رنگ را بيان مي كند مانند يك صفت قبل از اسم آورده مي شود مانند :            Red car اتومبيلِ قرمز           White bag كيفِ سفيد          This is a red car. اين يك اتومبيلِ قرمز است           That is a white bag. آن يك كيفِ سفيد است          These are red cars. اين ها اتومبيل هاي قرمز هستند          Those are white bags. آن ها كيف هاي سفيد هستند    2 – بعد از فعل هاي is و are نيز مي توان به صورت زير رنگ را بيان كرد.            This car is red. اين اتومبيل ، قرمز است.           That bag is white. آن كيف ، سفيد است.            These cars are red. اين اتومبيل ها، قرمز هستند            Those bags are white. ‌آن كيف ها ، سفيد هستند    3- براي پرسيدن رنگ چيزي از عبارت what colour is براي حالت مفرد و از عبارت what colour are براي حالت جمع در ابتداي جمله استفاده مي كنيم             What colour is this car? اين اتومبيل چه رنگي است؟            What colour are these cars? اين اتومبيل ها چه رنگي هستند؟    4 – شما با رنگ هاي زير آشنا هستيد.                   Black سياه                  white سفيد                  Red قرمز                  Blue آبي                  Green سبز                  yellow زرد                  Brown قهوه اي    تمرين 1 – جملات زير را كامل كنيد.          Those are ……..                   This is ………..                     پاسخ :                     This is a red fish.                     Those are white shoes.    2 – پاسخ دهيد :                What colour are these pencils?               They are red.    3 - جملات زير را با what colour سؤالي كنيد.                That shirt is yellow.               What colour is this shirt ?                Those apples are green.               Whtat colour are these apples?  درس دوم دستور زبان There is ‌و There are   دستور زبان دستور زبان يا گرامر اين درس مربوط به عبارت هايي است كه با There is ‌و There are شروع مي شوند. همچنين شما در اين درس مي آموزيد كه چگونه اين عبارت ها را منفي و سؤالي كنيد.    نكته ها : 1 – عبارت There is به معناي «وجود دارد» براي حالت مفرد مي باشد.عبارت There are به معناي «وجود دارند» براي حالت جمع مي باشد. يك كتاب روي ميز وجود دارد.           There is a book on the table.پنج كتاب روي ميز وجود دارند          There are five books on the table.    2 - براي سؤالي كردن عبارت هايي كه با There is يا There are شروع مي ...

  • پاسخ تمرینات کتاب درس دوم زبان سوم دبیرستان

    COMPREHENSION I. Answer the following questions. 1.The purpose of education is to prepare children for life. 2. No, it is not an end for me. 3. Yes, education can prepare children for life. 4. No, all of them are not suitable. 5. No, it is not free in all countries. 6. Yes, we can live without education. 7. Yes, all people should have education. 8. Yes, it is possible to educate every body.         II. True / False 1. (True) 2. (False) 3. (False) 4. (True) 5. (False) III. Complete these sentences. Use a, b, c, or d. 1. The only purpose of educaton is to prepare children for life. (B) 2. We should test many systems and choose the best one. (B) 3. From the passage we understand that free education for all cannot solve all the problems of a nation. (D) 4. According to the passage everybody needs some kind of education. (D) Speaking 2 A) 1. It is easy for him to read the sentences correctly. 2. It is possible for him to read the sentences correctly. 3. It is difficult for him to read the sentences correctly. B) 1. It isn 't easy for us to answer these questions. 2. It isn't easy for her to answer these questions. 3. It isn't easy for A li to answer these questions. C) 1. It was difficult forme to understant the lesson. 2. It was difficult for me to run fast. 3. It was difficult for me to repair the bicycle. Speaking 3 1. It is difficult for the students to do so much homework. 2. It is necessary for her to put on a coat. 3. It is easy for them to find a good restaurant. 4. It is improtant for young men to wear good clothes. 5. It is impossible for the woman to find the address. Speaking 4 1. No, it is impossible for me to read a book in a dark room. 2. Yes, it is easy for him to speak English. 3. Yes, it is necessary for students to ask questions in the classroom. 4. Yes, it is necessary for me to do my homework carefully. 5. Yes, it is easy for the students to get good marks if they study hard. Speaking 2 Substitution Drills A) 1. Studying for a long time made her tired. 2. Practicing for a longtime made me tired. 3. Teaching for a longtime made John tired. 4. Speaking for a long time made him tired. B) 1. He was interested in reading English stories. 2. He insisted on buying the shoes. 3. He was thinking about repairing the house. 4.He will keep on learning English. Speaking 3 1. Does woman like reading story books? No, She doesn 7. She likes studying physics. 2. Does Maryam enjoy making dresses?     No, he dosen't, She enjoys drawing pictures. 3. Does Mr White dislike eating cake?     No, he doesn't. He dislikes washing the dishes. 4. Does Hossein insist on reading the story book?     No, he doesn't. He insists on watching TV. Speaking 4 1. Washing clothes has made Maryam tired., 2. Playing ping-pong will make Jimmy happy. 3. Traveling by train made Hadi happy last summer. 4. Smoking is forbidden in this bus. Writing 1 1. No, learning English isn't difficult. 2. Yes, standing in line is necessary. 3. Yes, being on time is important. 4. No, finding a job is not easy here. 5. No, driving on this road isn 't dangerous Writing 2 1. I like playing Volleyball. 2. I enjoy swimming in the river. 3. I prefer drinking tea to eating an apple. 4. I am tired of working hard. 5. I am interested in learning English. Writing 3 1. Is it easy for a blind person to walk in the street?     No, it isn't. It is difficult for a blind man to walk in  the street. 2. Is it easy for a taxi driver to drive a car?     Yes, it is easy for a taxi driver to drive a car. 3. Is it difficult for your English teacher to speak English?     No, it is easy for my English teacher to speak English. 4. Is it possible for a cat to climb a tree?     Yes, it is possible for a cat to climb a tree. 5. Is it difficult for a good student to get good marks?     No, it is easy for a good student to get good marks. 6. Is it possible for an elephant to go faster than a horse?     No, it is impossible for an elephant to go faster than a horse. Writing ...

  • پاسخ مسائل و تمرینات کتاب درسی هندسه (2)

    پاسخ مسائل و تمرینات کتاب درسی هندسه (2)

    دریافت پاسخ مسائل و تمرینات کتاب درسی هندسه (2) در یک فایل PDF ... برای دریافت روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید ... منبع: http://www.fera.ir/

  • پاسخ تمرینات درس دوم کتاب زبان انگلیسی دوم دبیرستان

    Lesson Two Page 14 1-a lot 2- around 3-wide 4-the other 5-Both 6-fell 7-camera. Comprehension I. Answer these questions orally. 1. No, we can't see both sides of the moon. 2. They knew it had no air or water or plant life. 3. It tookpictursof the otherside of the moon. 4. We learnt that the other side of the moon had more holes and few flat Places.    5. The holes were made by very big rocks. 6. Yes, it has tall mountains. II. True or False? 1. (False) 2. (False) 3. (False) 4. (True) 5. (True) III. Complete the sentences. Use a, b, c or d. 1. For years people knew nothingaboutthe otherside of the moon, (C) 2. Man cannot live on the moon because it has no air/there is no plant life on it / water can't be found on it. (D) 3. The other side of the moon is not very different from the side we see / has fewer "seas", (D) 4. People who lived before 1959 had not seen the otherside of the moon, (D) 5. From this passage we understand that in the past man knew very little about the moon, (A) Speaking 2 1. Are there any cars in the street? 2. Are there any studentsin the yard? 3. Is there any water in the glass? 4. Is there any bread on the table? 5. Are there any pictures in the book? 6. Is there any money in the box? ---------- 1. I don't see any trees in the picture. 2. I see no children in the classroom. 3. I see no snow on the ground 4. I don't see any spoonson the table. 5. I don't see any money in the box. 6. I see no cats on the wall.     7. I see no clouds in the sky. 8. I see no water in the kettle. Speaking 3 1.There is no water in the glass. 2. He has eaten nothing for 2 days. 3. We had no friends there 4. She brings nothingwith her. 5. I asked nobody to help me. 6. I know they will make no mistakes. 7. There were no hotels in the town. 8. They have nothingto eat. Speaking 4 1. No,there Isn’t any water in the glass. 1. No,there Is no water in the glass. 2. No,Nader didn’t have any money in his pockets. No,Nader  had no money in his pockets 3 No, I don’t see any monkeys in the picture. No, I  see no monkeys in the picture. 4. No, there weren’t any boys in the classroom. No, there were no boys in the classroom. 5. No,he doesn’t have any books in his hands. No,he  has no books in his hands. 6. No,he didn’ eat anything in the park. No,he  ate nothing in the park. Presentation 2 Speaking 2 1. He has a car but that blue car isn't his. 2. They have a car but that blue car isn't theirs. 3. You have a car but that blue car isn't yours. 4. She has a car but that blue car isn't hers. 5. We have a car but that blue car isn't ours. Speaking 3 1. No, it isn't his.     It's hers. 2. No, they aren't ours.     They're theirs. 3. No, it isn't mine.     It's Ali's. 4. No, they aren't his.     They're my brother's. 5. No, it isn't hers.     It's my sister's. 6. No, they aren't theirs.     They're ours. Write It Down 1. There is some water. 2. No, there weren't any forks. 3. No, there are a few benches. 4. hundredand fifty studentsstudy.   5. No, we have no Japanesebooks. 6. She didn't buy any bread yesterday. Writing 2 1. No, there aren't any spoons. 2. There is one glass. 3. No, there isn't any bread. 4. U Yes, I see a fork. 5. No, he doesn't have anything. 6. There isn't any water. Writing 3 1. It is yours. 2. It is hers. 3. It is theirs. 4. It is yours. 5. It is mine. Language Functions 1. A: Would you mind not playing your radio so loud? I'm trying to read.     B: Oh, all right.     A: Thank you. 2. A: Would you mind not closing the window? It's rather hot in here.     B: Oh, all right.     A: Thank you. 3. A: Would you mind not talking so loudly? I'm trying to work.     B: Oh, all right.     A: Thank you. 4. A: Would you mind not wearing your shoes inside?     B: Oh, sure.         A: Thank you. 5. A: Would you mind not leaving the door open? It's rather windy today.     B: Oh, all right.     A: Thank you. 6. A: Would you mind not eating your lunch in the classroom?     ...

  • حل تمرینات ریاضی 3 تجربی

    حل تمرینات ریاضی 3 تجربی

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