نمونه سوال درس سوم زبان اول دبیرستان از جزوه کمک درسی با جواب

 1. ديكته: كلمات ناقص را بطور كامل باز نويسي كنيد.

She was afraid that Newton might forget to eat the egg. You must boil it for five minutes. She returned about an hour later.

2. با استفاده از كلمات داده شده جمله هاي زير را كامل نمائيد. ( يك كلمه اضافي است.)

fire/ angry/ solve/ found/ pages/ wise/ move

1. I found the address by asking a policeman.

2. Sitting by the fire is very nice in winter.

3. My friend couldn't solve the problem. It was very difficult.

4. Mary can't move those boxes. They are too heavy.

5. How many pages does this book have?

6. My father was angry with me when I got home late last night.

3.در شماره يك مترادف و در شماره دو متضاد  كلمات مشخص شده را از ستون مقابل انتخاب نمائيد. ( يك كلمه اضافه است.)

1. Please leave the book on the table. c. put        a. many

2. Few people live about the age of 100.a. many   b. short

                                                                 c. put

4. جمله هاي زير را با نوشتن يك كلمه مناسب كامل كنيد.

1. A pocket is a small bag on your clothes that you put things in it.

2. A person who works in another person's house, doing things like cooking, cleaning, etc is called a servant .

5. پاسخ صحيح را از بين گزينه هاي داده شده انتخاب كنيد.

1. Mr. Smith is a ........... man. He always helps his children in their lessons.

   a. wise           b. slow          c. tired             d. late

2. Does your mother usually cook in the ..............?

   a. roof     b. bedroom      c. chicken    d. kitchen

3. There are many .............books for children.

   a. story       b. fire        c. number          d. wise

4. There is some water in the ................

   a. pen        b. pan         c. page            d. table 

6. پاسخ صحيح را از بين گزينه هاي داده شده انتخاب كنيد.

1. I'm 6 feet tall. Mary is 6 feet tall. I am ……………………….Mary.

   a. taller      b. as tall as       c. taller than         d. tall

2. This box is 10 kilos. That desk is 14 kilos. The desk is ………….…….the box.

   a. heavy  b. heavier   c. as heavy as  d. heavier than

3. Yesterday was cold ,today is ………………..…….. .

    a. colder than   b. cold   c. as cold as    d. colder

7. با هر گروه از كلمات داده شده زير يك جمله كامل بنويسيد.

1. get up- Bob- did- than- earlier- Jim?  

 Did Bob get up earlier than Jim?

2. is- as- your village- big- our village- as.

 our village is as big as your village.

8. با توجه به تصوير جمله زير را كامل نمائيد.


160 KMS/h


300 KMS/h 

1.Does Paykan go faster than Benz?

No,Benz goes faster than Paykan

 9. پاسخ صحيح سوالات قسمت A را از بين جوابهاي قسمت B  انتخاب نمائيد. (يك پاسخ اضافه است.)

        A                                                            B

1. Do you come from a large family? b    a. He is a doctor.

2. How many are there in your family?d   b. No, I don't.

3. What does your father do?a               c. Yes, he does.

                                                       d. Five.

10. كدام كلمه از نظر تلفظ باسه كلمه ديگر متفاوت است.

1. a. some       b. cut          c. love             d. soon

2. a. who         b. tool         c. blue            d. bus

11. با توجه به مفهوم جمله، گزينه صحيح را انتخاب كنيد.

Few men of that time were greater or wiser than Newton but he often forgot small things.

This sentence shows that ………… .

   a. Newton remembered all things.

   b. Newton was one of the greatest men of his time.

   c. there weren't any men greater than Newton.

   d. There were many men wiser than Newton.

 12. متن زير را خوانده و به سوالات پاسخ دهيد.

Yesterday, our class went to the zoo. It was a sunny day and the weather was nice. We got there early and found the zoo closed. We waited there for about twenty minutes. Then a nice fat man opened the door. We bought twenty two tickets and went in. There were many different animals there like funny monkeys, wild tigers and colorful birds.

        We ate our lunch there and it was about five in the afternoon that we left the zoo. After arriving home, I rested for a short time and then I had dinner with my family. I was tired so I went to bed early. It was really a happy day.

1. Did they go to the zoo on a cloudy day?

No,they didn't. It was a sunny day and the weather was nice.

2. Who opened the door of the zoo?

A nice fat man opened the door.

3. How many tickets did they buy?

 They bought twenty two tickets

4. I had my lunch in the zoo.     a. True       b. False

5. The students came back home at night.  a. True    b. False

مطالب مشابه :

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سوالکده زبان انگلیسی دبیرستان سوال امتحان نهایی زبان انگلیسی سوم جواب تمرینات

نمونه سوال درس سوم زبان اول دبیرستان از جزوه کمک درسی با جواب

سوالکده زبان انگلیسی دبیرستان نمونه سوال درس سوم زبان اول دبیرستان از جواب تمرینات

پاسخ تمرینات درس هفتم اول دبیرستان

سوالکده زبان انگلیسی دبیرستان جواب تمرینات درس 4 سال دوم پایگاه زبان سوم دبیرستان.

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