جواب تمرینات درس دوم زبان انگلیسی

Lesson Two 23

Practice Your New Words.

1. go up           2. farm workers        3. a piece of land

4. thing that make us laugh             5. grow

Lesson Two 25

C. Comprehension

I. Answer the questions orally.

1. They can learn many things.             

2. They raise coconuts in fields.

3. They must climb each tree.

4. They climb tall tree to pick coconuts.

5. He rides on the back of the farmer's bicycle.

6. A ripe coconut is brown.

7.Because they help farmers in the fields.

II. True or False?

1. (False)       2. (False)         3. (True)         4. (False)

5. (True)               6. (True)

III. Complete the sentences. Use a, b, c or d.

1. Monkeysare clever animals because they can learn many things (A)

2. The farmers keep monkeys to pick coconuts (D)

3. It's hard work to pick co con uts because they grow at the tops of tall trees (B)

4. When a fruit is ripe it is good to eat (A)

5. Farmers raise plants and vegetables. "Raise" means grow (C)

IV. Read the paragraphs and complete the sentences.

1. There are many hot countriesin Asia.

2. Persian farmers raise a lot of rice in the North.

3. Could you please help me with my English?

4. There is a small cat in the back of the house.

5. He'll take an exam tomorrow.He must stay awake longer tonight.

Speaking 1

1. It is Monday.       2. It is early.             3. It is hot today.

4. It is raining.      5. It is getting late.      

6. It is easy to learn English.

7. It is ten kilometers to the next village.

Speaking 2

1. Is it spring? Yes, it is.   2. Is it Aban? Yes, it is.

3. Is it cold today? No, it isn't     4. Is it snowing? No, it isn't

5. Is it fun to watch little children play ? Yes it is.

6. Is it difficult to climb a coconut tree ? Yes it is.

7. Is it easy to speak English? Yes it is.

8. Is it necessary to speak correctly? Yes it is.

9. Is it important to finish the book? Yes it is.

Speaking 3

1. No, it isn't    2. Yes, it is.    3. It usually snows in winter.

4. No, it didn't       5. It is 8 kilometers.  6. It is 200 meters.

7. It is my brother.       8. Yes, it is.          9. Yes, it is.

10.Yes, it is.           Lesson Two  29

Writing 1

1. It is a school.            2. It is Ahmad Karimi's book.

3. It is 7 (o'clock).         4. It is 15 kilometers .

5. It is raining.

Writing 2

1.They should buy a new one.    2. He should travel to Europe.

3. You should stay in bed.       4. She should learn it.

5. I should study hard.           6. He should go to the library.

7. We should get up early.     8.They should ask a policeman.

Vocabulary Review   - 32

2. Monkey is a funny animal.      3. The test is very difficult.

4. This book is full of beautiful pictures.

5. This orange is'nt ripe.        6. Jungle is full of wild animals.

7. The train is fast.            8. The flower is pretty.

9. The sky is cloudy.         10. The child is very thin.

مطالب مشابه :

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سوالکده زبان انگلیسی دبیرستان جواب تمرینات درس 4 سال دوم پایگاه زبان سوم دبیرستان.

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