جواب تمرینات درس 4 دوم دبیرستان

 Lesson Four 43

Practice Your New Words.

1. He earn a lot of money by writing stories ?

2. Mary years ago children worked as miners.

3. I feel sorry for the poor children who work in factories and coal miners .

4. It's against the law to make children work.

5. He was taken to a hospital after the terrible accident.

C. Comprehension

I. Answer these questions orally.

1. They had to work hard.

2. because they worked hard and they had a terrible life.

3. Yes, he was.

4. because there were lots of little boys.        

5. No, he wasn't a real boy.

6. Yes, it did.

II. True or False?

1.  False

2.  True

3.  True

4.  True

5.  True

6.  True

III. Complete the sentences. Use a, b, c or d.

1. This passage is about poor children in England/ tells us something about Charles / shows that many children had a hard life Dickens in England, (D )

2. According to the passage Oliver Twist was not a real boy. (B)

3. Charles Dickens wrote the book in England because he also had a hard life when he was very young, (B)

4. Charles Dickens knew that many young children in England had a hard life, (C)

5. People who read 'Oliver Twist" tried to change the life of the poor children, (D)

Speaking 2

1 .  I want to learn English perfectly.

2.  I wish to learn English perfectly.

3.  I was planning to learn English perfectly.

4.  I am trying to learn English perfectly.      

5.  I have decided to learn English perfectly.

6.  I will try to learn English perfectly


 1. She wants to stay here.

2.  She wants to see her friends.

3.  She wants to leave here today.

4.  She wants to answer the question.

5.  She wants to go thereby train.

6.  She wants to wash the dishes


 1.What do you want to do?

2.  Where do you want to go?

3.  When do you want to sleep?

4.  Why do you want to leave?

5.  What do you want to buy?

6.  How do you want to come?

Speaking 3

1. No, she isn't.

    No, she isn't planning to visit our country this year.

2. Yes, he has.

    Yes, he has decided to sell the old house.

3. No, she didn't.

    No, she didn't want to see me here.

4. Yes, I do.

    Yes, I like to stay with you.

5. No, they won't

    No, they won't try to finish it before they arrive.

Speaking 5

a store which sells shoes = shoe store

a driver who drives a car = a car driver         

a book which is about history = a history book

a story which is about life = a life story         

a story which is about war = a war story       

a book which is about grammar = a grammar book

a bridge which is made of stone = a stone bridge

milk which has chocolate in it = chocolate milk

dishes which are made of iron = iron dishes

a plane which is made of paper = a paper plane

flowers that grow in spring = spring flowers

winds that blow in winter = winter winds

workers who work at night = night workers

newspapers that are published in the evening = evening newspapers

Plants that grow in mountains = mountain plants

flowers that grow in gardens = garden flowers

desks that are used in offices = office desks

fish that live in rivers = river fish

the windows of a car = the car windows       

the legs of a table = the table legs

the doors of a house = the house doors

the hands of a clock = the clock hands

Speaking 6

1. That is a chemistry book.

2. He is a bus driver.

3. It is a bookshop.

4. They are forest animals.

5. It is a paper tiger.

6. Those are fruit boxes.

7. That is a classroom door

8. Those are spring flowers.

E. Write It Down

Writing 1

1. No, I want to call David.   

2. No, I am planning to go to Japan.  

3. No, he promised to write them a letter.

4. No, I prefer to stay at home on Friday.

5. No, I want to go alone.

6. No, she decided to watch TV

Writing 2

1. I want to see the president.

2. She likes to stay here.

3. He has promised to call me on Monday.

4. I hope to finish my work before Friday.

5. Do you want to go to Mashhad?

6. What is she trying to do?

7. Ali's father began to learn English when he was 50.

8. The old man was trying to put it on the table.

Writing 3

1.There is a physics book on the desk.           

2.The night workers are going home. 

3. I like those garden flowers very much.      

4. She didn't sit on the metal chair.

5. I haven't seen the chemistry teacher.

6. One of the chair legs broke.

H. Vocabulary Review

1. poor families

2. hard work

3. watery soup

4. sad stories

5. old man

6. round boxes

7. tall mountains

8 .  Russian spaceship

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سوالکده زبان انگلیسی دبیرستان جواب تمرینات درس 4 سال دوم پایگاه زبان سوم دبیرستان.

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