مترادف سال اول

                 In the name of the Clement God                                                                                                                In the name of the Clement  God 


مترادف لغات زبان انگلیسی پایه اول دبیرستان به تفکیک دروس


مترادف لغات مهم درس دوم


1 – monkey = funny  animal                        21 – exam = test

2 – on  top  of = highest  part of ( sth.)      22 – awake = not sleep,ready to learn

3 – climb = go up                                            23 – fix = repair

4 – land = ground                                         24 – necessary = what  must  be  done

5 – farmhand = farm  worker                    25 – important = of  great  cost

6 – field = a  piece  of  land                        26 – make = build

7 – grass = wild  plant

8 – farm = area  of  land

9 – clever = fast  in  learning

10 – ripe = not green

11 – funny = what  makes  us  laugh

12 – rise = come  up

13 – raise = grow

14 – also = too

15 – hot = very  warm

16 – pick = pull away  with hands( or , fingers)

17 – keep = raise

18 – ride = sit  on  a  bicycle, horse  or  so

19 – look = try  to  see

20 – know =  what  you've  learnt  or seen





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مترادف لغات مهم  درس اول


1 – picture = drawing                                                                                                  

2 – plant = green  grass

3 – pretty = beautiful

4 – world = universe, (or – countries )

5 – all  over = the entire

6 – little = small

7 – alone = with  no friend ( single)

8 – love =like

9 – kindergarten = school for little children

10 – pay = give  money

11 – grow = get  bigger

12 – grow  up = become older

13 – attention = listen  carefully  to ( sth.)

14 – happy = glad

15 – all day long = the  whole  day

16 – remember = recall

17 – start = begin

18 – call = name

19 – exercise = practice

20 – moment = a little  time







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مطالب مشابه :

کلمات مترادف و متضاد کتاب عربی (3) ریاضی و تجربی

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مترادف سال اول

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مترادف سال دوم

In the name of Allah مترادف لغات مهم درس 2 زبان 2 . 1 – both = not one but the other ; or two. 2 – navy = countries' warships

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