درس 1 الی 10

How are you?
from Iran
from Canada
I am.
I'm fine.
I'm from Iran.
I'm not.
You are.
You're from Canada.
Are you?
I'm from Iran, too.
A: Hello.
B: Hello.
A: How are you?
B: I'm fine, thanks.
A: Are you from Iran?
B: Yes, I'm from Iran. And you? Are you from Iran, too?
A: No, I'm not from Iran. I'm from Canada.
Hello, Jim.
How are you?
You are.
Are you?
How are you?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I am.
You are.
Hello. How are you?
I am.
I am fine.
I am.
I am. I'm.
I'm fine.
Hello, Joe.
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
from Iran
You are.
You are from Iran.
Are you from Iran?
You are from Iran.
I am.
I am from Iran.
I'm from Iran.
Are you from Iran?
Yes, I'm from Iran.
Yes, I'm from Iran.
and you?
Hello. how are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
and you?
I'm fine, too.
I'm from Iran, too.
Are you from Iran?
Are you from Iran, too?
Are you from Iran?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I'm not.
I'm not from Iran.
Are you from Iran, too?
No, I'm not from Iran.
I'm from Iran.
I'm from Canada.
I'm from Canada, too.
Hello. How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
Are you from Iran?
Yes, I'm from Iran.
and you?
Are you from Iran, too?
No, I'm not from Iran.
I'm from Canada.
You are.
You are from Canada.
You are.
You are.
You're from Canada.
Are you from Iran?
How are you?
Hello. how are you?
I'm fine.
How are you?
I'm fine.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Are you from Canada?
Yes, I am.
Are you from Canada, too?
No, I'm from Iran.
I'm not from Canada.
Are you from Iran, too?
No, I'm from Canada.
You're from Iran, too.
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
Are you from Iran?
Yes, I'm from Iran. And you? Are you from Iran, too?
No, I'm not from Iran. I'm from Canada
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
Are you from Iran?
Yes, I'm from Iran.
and you?
Are you from Iran, too?
No, I'm not from Iran. I'm from Canada.
A: Hello.
B: Hello.
A: How are you?
B: I'm fine, thanks.
A: Are you from Iran?
B: Yes, I'm from Iran. And you? Are you from Iran, too?
A: No, I'm not from Iran. I'm from Canada.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want a tea.
I want a coffee.
thank you
You're welcome.
Do you want a tea?
I don't want coffee.
Do you speak English?
I can speak Persian.
Hello, Jim.
How are you?
I'm fine.
I'm fine, thanks.
Fine, thanks.
and you?
I'm fine, too.
Are you?
from Canada
from Iran
Are you from Iran?
I'm from Iran.
Yes, I'm from Iran.
No, I'm not from Iran.
I'm from Iran, too.
Are you from Iran?
No, I'm not from Iran.
I'm from Canada.
I'm from Canada, too.
Are you from Canada, too?
No, I'm from Iran.
I'm not from Canada.
I'm from Canada, too.
Yes, I'm from Canada, too.
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
thank you
I'm fine, thanks.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I'm fine, thank you.
Fine, thank you.
I speak.
I speak.
You speak.
I'm from Iran.
I speak.
I speak Persian.
I speak Persian, too.
You speak Persian, too.
I'm fine, thank you.
I'm fine, thanks.
Fine, thanks.
Fine, thank you.
and you?
Are you from Iran?
No, I'm not from Iran.
I'm from Canada.
No, I'm from Canada.
Yes, I'm from Iran.
I speak Persian.
You speak Persian.
You speak Persian.
Do you speak Persian?
Yes, I speak Persian.
I speak Persian, too.
Do you speak Persian?
Do you speak Persian, too?
I speak English.
You speak English.
Do you speak English?
No, I speak Persian.
Yes, I speak English.
Yes, I speak English, too.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
A: Hello, Jim. How are you?
B: Fine, thanks. And you?
A: I'm fine, too. Thank you. Jim, do you speak Persian?
B: No, I speak English. Do you speak Persian?
A: Yes, I speak Persian. I'm from Iran. I speak English, too.
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
Fine, thank you.
I'm from Canada.
And I speak English.
I don't speak.
I speak Persian.
I don't speak English.
I don't speak Persian.
Do you speak English?
Yes, I speak English.
No, I don't speak English.
I want.
You want.
Do I want?
Do you want?
I don't speak.
I don't want.
I'm from Iran.
I'm not from Iran.
I don't speak Persian.
I'm from Iran.
I'm not from Canada.
You're from Canada.
You're not from Canada.
I want.
a tea
a tea
I want.
I want a tea.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I don't want tea.
a tea
a coffee
Do you want a coffee?
No, I don't want coffee.
I want a tea.
thank you
You're welcome.
thank you
You're welcome.
Do you want a coffee?
No, I want tea.
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
Do you want a tea?
No, thanks. I'm fine.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
No, thanks. I'm fine.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
I speak Persian.
You speak English.
I can.
You can.
I can speak English.
I want.
thank you
I can.
You can.
I can speak.
You can speak.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
You can speak English.
I can speak Persian.
I want a tea.
I want a tea, too.
a coffee
a coffee and a tea
I want a tea and a coffee.
Do you want a coffee?
Do you want a coffee, too?
Do you speak English, too?
No, I don't speak English.
I speak Persian.
Yes, I speak English.
I can speak English.
Do you want a tea?
No, thanks. I'm fine.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
You're welcome.
I can speak English.
And I can speak Persian, too.
I'm from Iran.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I think.
I know.
better than
better than me
better than you
some tea
Can you speak English?
We're from Iran.
a tea
a coffee
Hello. how are you?
Fine, thanks.
I'm fine, thank you.
You're welcome.
Do you speak English?
No, I don't speak English.
Yes, I speak English.
I can speak Persian, too.
Do you want a tea?
No, thank you.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
I want coffee.
some tea
I want some tea.
some coffee
Do you want some coffee?
No, I want some tea.
thank you
You're welcome.
I can speak English.
You are.
Are you?
You can.
Can you?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
You can speak English.
Can you speak English?
Can you speak?
Can you speak English?
Yes, I can speak English.
I can.
Can I?
Can I speak Persian?
Yes, you can speak Persian.
Yes, you can.
Can I speak English?
Yes, you can.
Can you speak Persian, too?
Yes, I can.
I'm not from Iran.
I'm from Canada.
I speak English.
We are from Iran.
We are.
We are from Iran.
I can.
We can.
We want.
You are.
We're from Iran.
We speak Persian.
We speak English, too.
We can Speak English, too.
Are you from Canada?
Yes, we're from Canada.
You're not.
We're not.
We're not from Canada.
We don't want tea.
We want coffee.
Do you want some tea?
No, thanks.
Yes, please.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Yes, please.
Do you want some coffee?
Yes, please.
No, thanks.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
I can.
You can.
better than
I speak English.
better than
better than you
I speak English better than you.
I can speak English.
better than you
I can speak English better than you.
better than you
better than me
You speak better than me.
I don't speak English.
better than you
You don't speak English.
better than me
You don't speak English better than me.
I speak better.
I speak better than you.
I'm better than you.
You're better than me.
We're better than you.
Hello. How are you?
Fine, thank you.
I speak.
I think.
You're from Canada.
I think you're from Canada.
We think.
You think.
You think we're from Iran.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I think I want a tea.
I don't speak.
I don't think.
A: Ali, do you want some coffee?
B: No, thanks. I'm fine.
A: Ali, can you speak English?
B: Yes, I can speak English. I speak Persian, too.
A: Ali, I don't think you speak Persian.
B: I can speak Persian. I'm from Iran. I speak Persian better than English.
A: Ali, I think I speak English better than you, and you speak Persian better than me.
B: I don't think you speak English better than me.
A: Do you think you speak English better than me?
B: Yes, I think I speak better than you. I don't think you speak better than me.
You speak English.
I don't think you speak English.
We don't think you're from Canada.
We think you're from Iran.
Do you want some tea?
Do you think I'm from Canada?
Yes, I think you're from Canada.
No, I'm not from Canada.
better than
We are.
I know.
I think you speak better than me.
I know you speak better than me.
We know you're from Iran.
Do you think we're from Canada?
I think I know.
I think you know me.
I don't know you.
Do I know you?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Do you know me?
I don't think I know you.
Do you think I know you?
Yes, I think you know me.
I think you can speak English.
Can you speak Persian?
Yes, I can.
No, I don't speak Persian.
I know you speak Persian.
I'm from Iran. And you?
We're from Iran, too.
No, we're not from Iran.
better than
I speak Persian.
better than English
I speak Persian better than English.
We speak English better than Persian.
Do you think you speak better than me?
I know I speak better than you.
Do you want some coffee?
Yes, please.
No, thanks.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
No, thanks.
No, thanks. I'm fine.
thank you
You're welcome.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I live here.
in Iran
I'm going.
I'm going home.
I'm speaking Persian.
to a mall
We're going to a mall.
to the mall
a store
I'm at home.
I want some tea.
I want a tea.
I want tea.
I don't want tea.
I want some coffee.
Can you speak English?
Do you speak English?
Yes, we speak English.
We're from Canada.
I know.
I know you're from Canada.
Do I know you?
I think you know me, too.
I speak English.
better than you
I speak English better than you.
Can you?
Can you speak Persian, too?
I think I can.
Do you want some tea?
No, thank you.
I want some coffee.
I don't want tea.
I want coffee.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want some coffee, please.
A: Hello, George. How are you?
B: I'm fine, Helen, thanks. And you?
A: I'm fine, too. Do you want some coffee?
B: No, thanks. I want some tea.
A: You speak English better than me. Can you speak Persian, too?
B: I think I speak Persian better than English. I'm from Iran.
A: I'm from Iran, too, and I speak English better than Persian.
I speak Persian.
I don't speak English.
I know.
I don't know.
Do you want some coffee?
I don't know.
I want a tea, please.
Do you want some tea, too?
I don't know.
Are you from Iran?
Yes, I'm from Iran.
I'm fine.
I'm here.
Are you here, too?
No, I'm not here.
I live here.
I don't speak English.
I don't know.
I don't live here.
You live here.
You speak English.
Do you speak English?
Do you live here?
Yes, I live here.
I'm not from here.
We're from Iran, too.
We live here.
We don't live here.
in Iran
We live in Iran.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
We live in Canada.
We don't live here.
We don't live in Iran.
We're from Iran.
Do you live here, too?
No, we live in Canada.
I live here.
Do you live here?
No, I don't live here.
I'm living in Iran now.
I'm speaking Persian.
I'm speaking Persian now.
I speak Persian.
I'm speaking Persian.
I live in Iran.
I'm living in Canada now.
I'm going.
I'm going home.
I'm from Iran.
I live in Canada.
I'm not Persian.
I'm not better than you.
I'm going home now.
I'm not going home now.
Do you live here?
No, we don't live here.
We're living in Canada now.
We live in Iran.
We're living in Iran.
I'm going.
I'm from Iran.
We're from Iran.
We're going.
You're from Iran.
You're going now.
We're not going home now.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
a tea
a mall
We're going to a mall.
to a mall
We're going to a mall.
We're going home.
We're going to a mall.
I'm going to a mall.
to the mall
I'm going to the mall.
I think we're going to the mall.
a store
I'm going to a store.
I think we're going to the store.
We're from Canada.
Are you from Iran?
Are you going to the mall?
Yes, we're going to the mall.
Are you going to the store?
No, we're going to the mall.
I'm going to the store.
Are you going home?
I'm at home.
Are you at home?
Are you home?
No, we're at the mall.
I'm home.
I'm at home.
I want some tea.
at the mall
I'm going to the store.
from Iran
from the store
I want some tea from the store.
I live here.
I think you know me.
Do you think I know you?
I know you think.
I know you.
I know you think I know you.
I don't know.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
You don't live here.
I know
I'm going to the mall.
I'm going to a mall.
We're going to the store.
We want some coffee from the store.
I'm going home.
I live in Iran.
I'm going to Canada.
the mall
We speak Persian.
a store
a mall
the store
We want.
I'm at home.
Are you at the mall?
Yes, we're at the mall.
Are you at the mall, too?
No, we're at the store.
I'm going home.
I live in Iran.
I'm from Canada.
Can you speak English?
Yes, I can.
Can you speak better than me?
Yes, I can.
I don't know.
I'm at home.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I'm going to the mall.
I'm going to a store.
at the mall.
I'm going to a store at the mall.
Are you going to the mall, too?
No, we're going to a store.
We're not going to the mall.
I'm not from Canada.
I'm not at home.
Are you at the store?
No, I'm at the mall.
Are you going home?
No, I'm not going home.
I live in Canada.
We speak English here.
We don't speak Persian.
We don't live here.
Are you at the store?
No, we're at the mall.
We're at home.
Do you speak English at home?
No, we speak Persian at home.
We live in Canada.
We're from Iran.
We're going to the store.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I can't.
You can't.
Do you know Ali?
The mall is here.
The mall's here.
It is here.
It's here.
Is it here?
It's there.
Is it there?
Is Ali there?
Ali is not here.
Ali's not here.
I can't speak Persian.
Where is Ali?
Where's Ali?
Where are you going?
Are you going home?
When are you going to Iran?
Where are you now?
Is the mall here?
Where are you from?
Where is Mina from?
Shadi is not home.
Shadi's not home.
Do you live here?
No, I don't live here.
We live in Iran.
I'm going to the mall.
We're going home.
You're going to the store.
Hello. How are you?
Thank you. I'm fine. And you?
You are.
Are you?
You're going home.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Are you going home?
Yes, we're going home.
Hello, Ali.
How are you?
Do you want some coffee?
Yes, please.
No, thanks.
You know.
Do you know?
Do you know Ali?
Yes, I know Ali.
No, I don't know Ali
I think I know Ali.
I think I know you.
I don't know.
I'm going to the mall.
I'm going to the mall now.
I want a coffee now.
Are you at the mall now?
No, I'm not at the mall.
Where are you?
Where are you?
Are you at the store?
Where are you now?
I'm at the mall now.
The mall is here.
Ali is here.
You are here.
Are you here?
The mall is here.
Is the mall here?
Where are you?
Where is the mall?
Where is Ali?
Where's Ali?
Where's the mall?
Is the mall here?
Yes, the mall is here.
Yes, the mall's here.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Yes, it is here.
It is here.
It is.
It's here.
The store's here.
It is here.
Is it here?
Is the mall here?
Yes, it's here.
I'm Mina.
I'm not Mina.
It's here.
It's not here.
Ali's home.
Ali's at home.
Ali is.
Ali's at home.
Is Ali home?
No, Ali's not home.
Ali's at the mall.
Is the mall here?
No, it's not here.
It's there.
Is the mall here?
No, it's not here.
It's there.
The mall's there.
Ali's there.
I'm going to the mall now.
Are you going to the mall?
Where are you?
Where are you going?
Where are we going?
Is Ali at the mall?
No, Ali's not at the mall.
Ali's not there.
Is Ali going to the mall?
No, Ali's not going to the mall.
Ali's not going there.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Where are you going?
When are you going?
When are you going to the store?
I don't know.
We're going to the mall.
We're going now.
Is the mall here?
Yes, it's here.
No, it's not here.
It's there.
Is Ali there?
Hello. How are you?
Are you Mina?
No, I'm Shiva.
Is Shadi home?
No, Shadi's not home.
Yes, Shadi's home.
No, Shadi is at the mall.
Thank you. Goodbye.
You're welcome.
I'm from Iran.
Where are you from?
I'm from Canada.
Ali's from Iran.
Where's Ali from?
Ali's from Iran.
Where's Jim from?
Jim's from Canada.
Ali's from Iran, and Jim's from Canada.
and you?
I'm from Iran, too.
I'm going to the store.
to Iran
to Canada
Where are you going?
I'm going to Iran.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
When are you going to Iran?
I don't know.
I can speak English.
Can you speak English, too?
No, I can't.
I can't.
I can't speak English.
We can't speak Persian.
You can't live here.
You speak English better than me.
No, I don't think I speak better than you.
I can't speak better than you.
I think you're better than me.
I don't know.
A: Hello. Where's the mall? Is it here?
B: I don't know. I think it's there. Are you going to the mall?
A: Yes, we're going to the mall now.
B: Where are you from?
A: We're from Iran. And you?
B: I'm from Canada.
A: Can you speak Persian?
B: No, I can't. I can't speak Persian. We don't speak Persian in Canada. Do you live
A: No, we don't live here. we live in Iran.
Do you live here?
Yes, I live here.
No, I don't live here.
I live there.
We live In Iran.
and you?
Do you live in Iran, too?
No, I don't live in Iran.
Where's Ali?
Is Ali in Iran?
Yes, Ali's in Iran.
Ali's there.
When are you going to the store?
I don't know.
Where are you going now?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I'm going to the mall.
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
It is.
Do you want some tea?
No, I want coffee.
better than
Coffee is better than tea.
Coffee's better than tea.
I think tea's better than coffee.
I don't know.
You know better than me.
Do you know Shadi?
Yes, I know Shadi.
No, I don't know Shadi.
I think I know Shadi.
Where are you from?
Where's Mina from?
I don't know.
Where do you live?
I live here.
The mall's there.
Is Ali home?
No, Ali's not home.
I can't live here.
Where are you?
I'm in Canada now.
Are you in Iran now?
Yes, we're in Iran now.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I'm going to Iran.
I don't know.
Okay. Goodbye.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want to speak.
Do you want to go now?
not today
Can I sit here?
I want to buy some coffee.
What do you want to do?
What do you want from me?
I want to buy something.
What do you do?
Where are you now?
Where's Mina?
Where are you going?
Are you going to Canada?
Yes, we're going to Canada.
When are you going?
We don't know.
Is Shadi home?
No, Shadi's not home.
Where's Ali?
I think Ali's at the mall.
I don't think Ali's at the mall.
Do you know, Saman?
Yes, I know, Saman.
No, I don't know, Saman.
I don't live here.
Do you want a tea now?
Yes, please.
No, thank you.
No, thanks. I'm fine.
I want some coffee.
Navid, are you going home?
Yes, I'm going home.
Can you Speak English?
Yes, I can.
Yes, I can speak English.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I can't speak English.
Can you speak Persian?
No, I can't.
Is the mall here?
No, it's not here.
It's there.
Mina's at the store.
Ali's at home.
Ali's home.
When are you going to Iran?
I don't know.
Where's Shadi from?
Shadi's from Iran.
I'm from Iran, too.
Where are you from?
Are you from Canada?
No, I'm not from Canada.
We're from Iran.
I can speak English.
I can speak English now.
I want to speak.
I want to speak English.
I don't want.
I don't want to speak.
I don't want to speak Persian.
Do you speak English?
Do you want?
Do you want to speak?
Do you want to speak English?
No, I want to speak Persian.
Do you speak English?
Do you want to speak Persian?
No, I don't want to speak Persian.
I want to speak English.
I live in Iran.
I want to live in Iran.
I don't want to live here.
I don't want to live there.
I want to live here.
Do you want some tea?
No, thank you.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
No, thank you. I'm fine.
No, thanks.
No, thanks. I'm fine.
When are you going to Canada?
I'm going today.
I'm going to Iran today.
Are you going to Iran today?
No, not today.
not today
Do you want a coffee?
No, not coffee.
some tea?
Yes, I want some tea.
Is the mall here?
not here
It's there.
Ali's home today.
We're going to the store today.
We're going to a store today.
We want to go to the store.
Can we speak Persian?
Can we go to the mall today?
Yes, we can.
No, we can't.
Can I sit here?
Yes, you can sit here.
No, you can't sit here.
You can sit there.
I want to sit.
I want to sit here.
I want to sit here today.
When do you want to go?
When do you want to go to Iran?
not today
not now
Are you going to the store now?
Yes, I'm going there now.
Can you buy some tea?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want to buy some coffee.
You can buy coffee.
Where can we buy coffee?
from the store
at the store
You can buy coffee from the store.
We can buy tea at the store.
We can go there.
What do you want to buy?
What do you want to do?
I want to go to the mall.
When do you want to go?
Are you going today?
No, not today.
What do you want to do at the mall?
What do you want to buy?
I want to buy something.
I want to buy something.
Do you want to buy something?
from the store
Do you want to buy something from the store?
not today
from the store
not from the store
from the mall
from a mall
Please sit there.
I don't want.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I don't want to go.
I don't want to go to Canada.
I don't want to go there today.
We can't go today.
A: Mina, what do you want to do now?
B: I want to go to the store. Do you want something?
A: Yes, please. I want some tea. Can you buy some coffee, too?
B: Yes, I can. Do you know where Ali is?
A: What?
B: Where's Ali?
A: Oh, I think Ali's at the mall now.
B: Okay. I'm going now. Goodbye.
A: Goodbye.
Can we sit here?
Yes, you can.
No, you can't.
When do we want to go to Iran?
I don't know.
not today.
Where are you from?
Where's Shadi from?
Shadi's from Iran.
The mall's not here.
It's there.
It's not here.
Is it there?
Yes, I think it's there.
I don't know.
Hello, Roya.
How are you today?
I'm fine, thanks.
What do you want to do today?
I want to go to the mall.
I want to buy something.
When do you want to go to Iran?
Where do you want to go?
Are you going to Canada, too?
I don't know.
Are you going home now?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
not now
Do you want to sit?
No, thanks. I'm fine.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
You're welcome.
Today I want to sit here.
Do you want to sit here, too?
I don't think we can sit here.
We can't sit here.
I want to sit there.
What do you want?
from me
What do you want from me?
What do you do?
Is Sahar there?
No, Sahar is not here.
Where's Sahar?
Is Sahar at the mall?
I don't think Sahar is at the mall.
Is Shadi there, too?
Yes, Shadi's here, too.
What do you do?
What do you do here?
You're welcome.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want to drink something.
me too
a soda
Coke or Pepsi?
It's far.
Canada is far from here.
It's very far.
two coffees
Do you want anything?
I want to buy something.
Do you want to buy something, too?
Where do you want to go?
I want to go to the mall.
When do you want to go?
I want to go now.
What do you want to do?
I want to sit here.
I don't think.
You can sit there.
I don't think you can sit there.
Where are you from?
I'm from Iran.
I don't live in Iran now.
I don't live there.
When do you want to go to the mall?
not now
not today
not here
You can't sit here.
Is the mall here?
Is it here?
No, it's not here.
It's there.
from the mall
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want something from the mall.
A: Hi, Jack. Where are you going?
B: Hi, Jim. I'm going to the mall. Do you want to go, too?
A: Not now. I want to go to the store now.
B: When do you want to go to the mall?
A: Not today. I want to buy something from the store today. What do you want to do at
the mall?
B: I want to buy something there.
A: Okay. I want to go now. Goodbye.
What do you want to do today?
Where do you want to go?
to a restaurant
I want to go to a restaurant.
Can we go to a restaurant?
not now
I don't want to go to a restaurant.
What do you want to do?
I want to drink something.
Do you want to drink something?
Yes, please.
What do you want to do?
What do you want to drink?
a soda
I want a soda.
I want to drink something.
I want to drink a soda.
I want to buy a soda.
When do you want to go?
When do you want to drink something?
not now
Where do you want to drink something?
not here
at a restaurant
I want to go to the restaurant.
And I want to drink something there.
me too
I want to go to a restaurant.
me too
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want a soda.
me too
I want some Coke.
What do you want to drink?
I want some soda.
I want a Coke.
I want some Pepsi.
some Pepsi, please
You speak English better than me.
Pepsi is better than Coke.
I think Coke is better than Pepsi.
Is Coke better than Pepsi?
I think Pepsi is better than Coke.
me too
Where do you want to drink something?
at the mall
at the restaurant
I want to drink something at the restaurant.
and you?
me too
I want a Soda.
Coke or Pepsi?
Do you want Coke or Pepsi?
Do you speak English or Persian?
Are you from Canada or from Iran?
I'm from Iran.
Where's Iran?
It's far.
It's far from here.
It's far from Canada.
Iran is far.
Iran is far from Canada.
It's very far.
Iran is very far.
Iran is very far from Canada.
Can we drink something now?
Where do you want to go?
I want to drink something at a restaurant.
What do you want to drink?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Do you want Coke or Pepsi?
I want to drink something.
I want a tea or a coffee.
not soda
Where is the restaurant?
It's far.
Is it far?
Yes, it's very far from here.
Where's Canada?
It's far.
Is it far from Iran, too?
Yes, it's far from Iran, too.
Where are you from?
I'm not from here.
Do you want to drink something?
I want a soda.
one soda
one coffee
one coffee, please
two coffees
two teas, please
What do you want to drink?
I want two teas, please.
and one coffee
I want two teas, too.
and one Pepsi
The restaurant is far from here.
We're at a Persian restaurant.
Persian restaurant
We're going to a Persian restaurant.
Where is the Persian restaurant?
It's not far.
It's not far from here.
I'm going to the store now.
I want to buy something.
Do you want anything?
I don't want anything.
I want something.
I don't want anything.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
from the store
I don't want anything from the store.
It's far.
very far
Do you want anything from the restaurant?
Are you going to a Persian restaurant?
I don't know.
The Persian restaurant is very far from here.
I want to drink something.
me too
one Pepsi, please
and two Cokes
I don't want to drink anything now.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want to buy a car.
your car
Where's your house?
I have a car.
Do you have tea?
We don't have a house.
Is your son home?
but not today
We have three cars.
We have four sons.
Excuse me, sir. Where is the mall?
Excuse me, ma'am. Are you from Iran?
It's very far.
It's not very far.
Do you want to drink something?
No, thanks.
No, thank you. I'm fine.
Yes, please.
Yes, some Coke, please.
or some Pepsi
one Coke
two Pepsis
I want to drink some soda.
me too
a restaurant
a Persian restaurant
the Persian restaurant
The Persian restaurant is very far.
The Persian restaurant's very far.
from here
The Persian restaurant is very far from here.
We're at the restaurant now.
Where are you?
We're at a restaurant, too.
I don't want to drink anything.
two Pepsis, please
I know a Persian restaurant.
Where's the Persian restaurant?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Where is it?
It's not very far from here.
two coffees
two restaurants
I know two Persian restaurants.
Do you live in Iran?
Yes, I live there.
What do you do there?
I have a restaurant.
I have.
You have.
Do you speak English?
Do you have tea?
Yes, I have some tea.
We have some tea.
Can we go to the mall?
not today
Yes, but not today.
but not today
not now
but not now
I want to drink something.
but not coffee
Do you want Pepsi or Coke?
I want two Pepsis and one Coke.
I want to buy some tea.
Where do you want to buy some tea?
at a supermarket
I'm going to the supermarket now.
The supermarket is very far.
But you have a car.
a car
two Pepsis
two cars
We have two cars.
But you have one car.
Do you have a car?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Yes, I have a car.
I have a house, too.
I have one house and two cars.
We have a house.
Do you have a house?
Yes, I have a house.
Where's your house?
your house
your car
Where's Farhad?
Where's your car?
It's there.
Your house is here.
Is your house here?
No, it's not here.
Yes, it's here.
Is it here or there?
It's not here.
I want to buy a car.
but not now
We don't want.
We don't want to buy a house.
We don't want to buy a house now.
Shadi, where's your house?
It's there.
I want to drink something.
What do you want to drink?
What do you want to have?
tea or coffee?
I'm fine.
Tea's fine.
Do you want coffee or tea?
Coffee's fine.
I want to go to the supermarket.
We want to go to Florida today.
to Iran
to a supermarket
What do you want to do?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want to go to a restaurant.
to a restaurant
to a Persian restaurant
I want to buy something at a supermarket.
Where do you buy your tea?
at a supermarket
Where are you from?
Where do you buy tea from?
from the store
at the store
Can I buy something, too?
No, you can't.
Yes, you can.
A: Jim, what do you want to drink?
B: I don't know. What do you have?
A: I have tea, coffee, and Coke.
B: Tea's fine, but coffee's better. I want some coffee.
A: Jim, when do you want to buy a car?
B: I don't know.
A: Where's your house? Is your house very far from here?
B: No, it's not very far from here. Sarah, do you know Mina?
A: Yes, I know Mina.
B: Where's Mina from?
A: I think Mina's from Iran.
B: I want to go to a supermarket now. I want to buy something.
A: Are you going now?
B: Yes, I'm going now. Thank you, Sarah.
A: You're welcome Jim. Goodbye.
B: Goodbye, Sarah.
We have a house in Iran.
Do you have a car, too?
We have three cars.
three cars
We have three cars.
But you have two cars.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I have four sons.
your son
We have three sons.
But we have one son.
Where's your son?
Is your son home?
I don't know.
Where's the mall?
excuse me
Excuse me. Where's the mall?
The mall's there.
The mall is there.
thank you
You're welcome.
Excuse me. Where are you from?
Excuse me. Are you from Iran?
No, I'm not from Iran.
Excuse me. Are you Omid?
No, I'm Ali.
Is Omid home?
No, Omid's not home.
Hello, sir.
Excuse me, sir.
Is the Persian restaurant here?
Excuse me, sir. Is the Persian restaurant here?
I don't know.
Yes, it's here.
No, it's there.
No, ma'am.
Hello, ma'am.
Excuse me, ma'am. Are you from Canada?
No, sir. I'm from Iran.
me too
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
We have.
Hello, sir.
Hello, ma'am.
excuse me
I have three sons.
your sons
Do your sons live in Iran?
Do you want to go to a supermarket?
Yes, but not now.
but not today
Do you want to drink something?
No, I don't want anything. Thanks.
Yes, some tea, please.
or some coffee
I have some Coke, too.
Tea's fine.
Where's your house?
It's far.
It's not far.
The supermarket is not far from here.
I think it's very far.
I don't want to drink anything now.
Do you have a car?
No, I don't have a car. And you?
We have two cars.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want some food.
something to drink
I want to eat and drink.
with you
with whom?
We're eating breakfast now.
We want some bread.
and jam
Where's my tea?
a little
I'm sorry
Excuse me, sir.
Where's the supermarket?
It's not far from here.
Do you have a car?
No, I don't have a car.
I have four sons.
I think I know.
your sons
I think I know your sons.
Do you want anything?
from the supermarket
Do you want anything from the supermarket?
Yes, I want four Pepsis.
and three Cokes
three teas, please
I have three cars.
Do you live far from here?
Is your house far from here?
It's not very far.
But your house is far.
I know, but we have three houses.
I don't have a house.
I don't have anything.
But I want to buy a car.
me too
I want to go to a restaurant.
I want some food.
Do you want some food, too?
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
What do you have?
What do you want to have?
I want to have.
I want to have some food.
I want to have a soda.
I want to have some tea.
Do you want to have some food?
No, thanks.
No, thank you.
I want to drink something.
something to drink
I want to have some food.
And I want something to drink.
I want to drink something.
Okay, but I want some food.
I want to eat and drink.
I want to eat some food.
I want something to drink.
I want something to eat.
I want to eat something.
Do you want to go to a restaurant?
No, the restaurant is very far.
I want to eat something here.
I want something to drink.
I want something to drink here.
I want to drink something here.
with you
I want to eat with you.
better than me
with me
A: Excuse me, ma'am. Do you know where the supermarket is?
B: Yes, I know where it is. I'm going to a supermarket, too. Do you want to go with me?
A: Yes, is it very far from here?
B: No, it's not very far.
A: Do you have a car?
B: Yes, I have a car. Where are you from?
A: I'm from Iran, but I live here. I live with my sons. I have three sons.
B: Do you speak English with your sons at home?
A: We speak English and Persian at home.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
Do you want to eat something with me?
No, not with you.
with your son
But I want something to drink now.
Do you want to have food, too?
No, not now.
with whom?
with you
I want to go to the mall.
with whom?
not now
not with you
Okay. Goodbye.
I want something to drink.
What do you want to drink?
I want to eat now.
with whom?
with your son
What do you have?
Do you want to eat now?
I'm going now.
I'm eating now.
We are eating breakfast now.
We're eating breakfast now.
I want breakfast.
I want to have breakfast.
Okay. What do you want to eat?
What do you want to have?
I don't know.
three teas, please
and four coffees
Do you want to have breakfast, too?
Yes, please.
We want some bread.
Do you want tea, too?
Yes, we want tea, too.
some tea and bread
and jam
some bread and some jam
We want to have breakfast.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
with whom?
not with you
and not now
I want to go home later.
me too
I want to eat something later.
at home?
No, at a restaurant.
I want some bread with some jam.
I want something to eat.
I want to eat something.
with whom?
with me?
Yes, with you.
But not now, later.
I want to have some food.
I want to have breakfast later.
Where's my tea?
It's here.
Where's your house?
My house is there.
I have two sons.
My sons live in Canada.
I want some bread and jam.
But I don't want to have breakfast now.
I want something to drink now.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Do you speak English?
Yes, a little.
a little
I speak a little.
a little later
not now, a little later
We can eat a little later.
I want to have breakfast later.
Do you want to go to the mall now?
No, I want to go a little later.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Can you speak Persian?
a little Persian
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I speak a little Persian.
But I can't speak English.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I can't speak English.
I want to go to the store.
I'm sorry.
But I can't go with you.
I'm sorry, but I can't go with you.
with whom?
a little
I'm sorry.
Can you go a little later?
I can't go today.
not today
My son's here.
And we want to have breakfast.
But not now, a little later.
Where's my tea?
I don't know.
I want some bread.
with a little jam
Do you want to eat breakfast?
Yes, I want to have breakfast.
I'm sorry.
But we don't have breakfast now.
But I want to have some food.
I want something to eat.
I'm sorry. We don't have bread.
But we have some jam.
Is your car at home?
Yes, my car is at home.
Is your son home?
No, my son's not home.
My son's in Iran.
[email protected] _ _ ÓÑÏ
I want to have breakfast with you.
But not now, a little later.
I want something to drink now.
And something to eat later.
I'm sorry. I want to go now.
Okay. Goodbye. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE FA /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}

مطالب مشابه :

درس 1 الی 10

متن کامل آموزش زبان نصرت - درس 1 الی 10 - متن کامل آموزش زبان نصرت

دانلود رایگان 90 درس آموزش زبان نصرت 1

آموزش گام به گام زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت شما همچنین میتوانید در این سایت نصرت 1و2و3 را به

دانلود متن آموزشی نصرت 2

آموزش گام به گام زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت شما همچنین میتوانید در این سایت نصرت 1و2و3 را به

دانلود رایگان فایل صوتی نصرت 2

آموزش گام به گام زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت شما همچنین میتوانید در این سایت نصرت 1و2و3 را به

متن کامل آموزش زبان نصرت

صفر و یکی ها اینجان - متن کامل آموزش زبان نصرت - سایت مخصوص مهندسان نرم افزار پیام نور زنجان

متن درس اول ................................................................... Text Lesson One

آموزش گام به گام زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت شما همچنین میتوانید در این سایت نصرت 1و2و3 را به

آموزش زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت

آموزش گام به گام زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت شما همچنین میتوانید در این سایت نصرت 1و2و3 را به

متن درس هجدهم............................................. Text Lesson EightTeen

آموزش گام به گام زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت شما همچنین میتوانید در این سایت نصرت 1و2و3 را به

متن درس هفدهم............................................. Text Lesson Seventeen

آموزش گام به گام زبان انگلیسی با متد نصرت شما همچنین میتوانید در این سایت نصرت 1و2و3 را به

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت - نسخه صادراتی

اولین نسخه ای که از مجموعه نصرت منتشر شد ، آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت 1 بود که در آن متن

برچسب :