سوالات چهار گزینه ای درس ششم سال اول دبیرستان

سوالات چهار گزینه ای درس ششم سال اول دبیرستان

این مجموعه از سوالات از همکاران و خودم است.

بهترين گرينه را انتخاب كنيد .                                                                   


1. We crossed the river by…………………… 

a)wagon         b)train       c)taxi        d)boat

2. I’m looking …………my watch ,but I can’t find it 

a)for            b)out             c)at           d)like

3. This box is too…………..for me to move it. 

a)funny        b)heavy         c)small       d)little

4. This car has a new………………. .  

a)lid          b)engine          c)side         d)face

5. "How much do you weigh?’’   " ……………….. .’’

a) I’m 25 years old              b)I’ve got black hair         

c)I’m 180 centimeters        d)I’m about 62 kilos

6. "What does he look like?’’   "He is………….. .’’

a) quite good –looking        b)beautiful           

c)quite attractive            d)pretty

7. There is a little cheese on the table,……………?  

a) isn’t it       b) isn’t there       c) is there         d) is it

8. Her mother let her go to the park,……………..she? 

a) does           b) did               c) doesn’t           d) didn’t

9. The man …………..very late ,didn’t he?  

a)came            b)come             c)comes          d) coming

10. The children…………..football at school ,aren’t they? 

a) played            b)play          c)are playing       d) were playing

11. Mina …………….. English two years ago, couldn't she?

a) couldn't speak            b) could speak         

c)couldn't spoke             d) could spoke

12. You went to the bookshop to buy some books , ------------- ?

 a) weren’t you      b) didn’t you      c)don’t you      d)did you

13. You will go to the cinema tomorrow might , ------------ ?

a) will you             b) do you            c) don’t you     d) won’t you

14.  You are tired , ------------ ?

a)don’t                   b)are you            c)do you           d)aren’t you

15.  They closed the shop , ------------ they ?

a) don’t                  b) did                  c) do                 d) didn’t

16.  Ali seldom comes late , ------------ ?

a) does he              b) doesn’t he       c)he does          d) didn’t he

17.  What color is your father’s hair ? - ------------ black hair .

a) He’s got            b)He got            c)He gets          d)He is getting

18.  Water turns into ----------- when it is very hot .

a) ice                     b) smoke            c) fire                   d) steam

19.  The little girl ------------ her hand when she touched the hot kettle .

a)boiled                  b)burned            c)built                  d)cooked

20.  What does he look like ?

a)He weighs about 60 kilos .             b)He is twenty one .

c)He’s quite good looking .               d)He lives in Tehran .

21.  Which word has the sound /ei / ?

a)let                        b)men                 c)take                   d)red

22.  James’ grandmother said , “ The fire turns the water into steam . “

“ Turn into “ means ----------- .

a)die out                 b)change into      c)go to               d)make not

23.  The police never found the money stolen in the robbery , ………….?

a)didn’t he             b)did he               c)didn’t they      d)did they

24.  The word “ --------- “ differs in its vowel sound from the other three .

a)hate                     b)paid                  c)rate                  d)said

25.  Your English teacher never speaks Persian in class , ----------- he ?

a) does                   b)doesn’t         c)is                     d)isn’t

26. The word “ --------- “ differs in its vowel sound from the other three .

a) eight         b)night        c)sight      d) right                           

27. The word “ --------- “ differs in its vowel sound from the other three .

a) rain           b) day          c) wait      d) said



1. boat  2. for  3. heavy  4. engine  5. I’m about 62 kilos  

6. quite good –looking  7. isn’t there  8. did  9. came  

10. are playing  11. could speak  12. didn’t you  13. won’t you  

14. aren’t you   15. didn’t  16. does he  17. He’s got  18. steam  

19. burned  20. He’s quite good looking  21. take 22. change into  

23. did they  24. said  25. does 26. eight 27. said



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