The Just-In-Time Production

The Just-In-Time Production

Just-In-Time (JIT) production is one in which all activities from design of the product to its delivery to the customer are organized in such a way that it permits just in time movement of material . In the broadest sense, JIT is a manufacturing philosophy which strives to produce with the shortest possible lead time, the lowest possible level of inventory and fewest possible mistakes. The most tangible benefit of JIT is low inventory since it reduces both interest costs and carrying costs

A closer look at JIT reveals that the “ pull system “ often referred to as a kanban system , ensures that work-in-process(WIP) is kept low and extra parts are made only when demanded by the subsequent work station . Storage requirements are correspondingly reduced. Reduction of work-in-process permits a closer work place layout, thus improving and simplifying material handling. Control of manufacturing processes is tight and quality awareness at the operative level is high. Preventive maintenance on equipment is strongly emphasized. Because no buffer stock is available, JIT forces early identification of potential production problems before production lines stoppages occur.

Many manufacturing see JIT as just an inventory reduction program because usually starts as a progressive inventory reduction plan .High inventory levels without immediate customer demand is a waste of resources. In addition, high inventory levels cover up production inefficiencies and quality discrepancies in the production line. The lowering of inventory levels brings all these production management flaws to the surface, so that they may be identified and prevented. Faithfully pursuing this will bring reduction of cost, enhancement of product quality, improvement of productivity and ultimately, excellence of manufacturing.

There are many quantifiable benefits from adopting JIT. Lotenschtein reports various cost reductions , such as a 20% saving in inventory , 25% in floor space, 10% in direct labour,and increases of 20% in productivity, 25% in overall capacity and 125% in inventory turnover. In addition Schonberger reports that reduction in manufacturing lead time of the order of four-fifth to nine-tenthsis attainable

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انجمن علمی صنایع دانشگاه پیام نور محلات سیستم های iso. سیستم جامع دانشگاهی گلستان.

The Just-In-Time Production

انجمن علمی صنایع دانشگاه پیام نور محلات. mahallat payame noor industrial engineering forum. سیستم های ISO.

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انجمن علمی صنایع دانشگاه پیام نور محلات اگرچه واژه «سیستم» در مورد بسیاری از وضعیت­ها

روزتان مبارك

انجمن علمی صنایع دانشگاه پیام نور محلات سیستم جامع گلستان. سیستم برنامه ریزی

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