زبان تخصصی تربیت بدنی سال سوم-شهریور

 هنرستان تربیت بدنی ناحیه ۵ مشهد - زبان تخصصی سال سوم -شهریور۸۹

 الف. پاسخ صحیح را انتخاب کنید.

1. There are four types of ………… in track and field.

a. introduction             b. course                      c. subjects                    d. events

2. Fat people try to …………weight.

a. gain                          b. strengthen               c. lose                          d. develop

3. Sit-ups and push-ups ……….. muscles.

a. squeeze                    b. strengthen               c. break down             d. contain

4. …………. is a type of swimming stroke which is primarily uses for recreation.

a. crawl                        b. sidestroke                c. butterfly                  d. breaststroke

5. The most difficult and ………… stroke is the butterfly stroke.

a. enjoyable                 b. exhausting               c. competitive              d. life-saving

6. Rate of improvement in triple jump is higher. Improve means ….

a. make worse             b. make better             c. change                     d. prove

7. Instructors can teach these two jumping events immediately. Immediately means…..

a. right away               b. right now                 c. suddenly                  d. hardly

8. The baton must be passed in ………..

a. hurdling                   b. relays                       c. sprinting                  d. steeplechase

9. the ability to continue doing something difficult for a long period of time:

a. infraction                 b. offense                    c. endurance                d. sanction

10. when someone …………….you with something, s/he gives, lends, or supplies it.

a. exposes                    b. reaches                    c. provides                   d. designs

ب. مترادف کلمات ستون A  را در ستون  B پیدا کنید.(یک کلمه اضافی است.)

______A______                                             _______B_______

11. float (     )                                                  a. goal

12. instinct (     )                                              b. very important

13. struggle (     )                                             c. take part

14. vital (     )                                                   d. disappear

15. participate (     )                                         e. stay on top of water

16. stay (     )                                                   f. an expression

17. vanish (     )                                               g. contest

18. objective (     )                                           h. natural tendency

                                                                                                i. remain

ج. با استفاده از کلمات داده شده جمله های زیر را کامل کنید.(یک کلمه اضافی است.)

similar, outstretched, hitting, limit, disappears, throwing, fundamental, last

19. That instinct, however, ……………… within a few months after birth.

20. Among other ……………….. events one can mention shotput and discus.

21. The introductory and lead-up activities are ……………….

22. Sprinting is a basic skill and …………………. to track and field.

23. There’s no age ……………- people of any can compete.

24. Table tennis involves ………..…… the ball back and forth.

25. The games must have 15 events and cannot ………….. for more than 16 days.

د. جمله های زیر را با نوشتن کلمه مناسب کامل کنید.

26. The competitors must not be professionals. They must be ……………..

27. The winners became national ……………

28. Long jump and ………………….. can be introduced early in the program.

29. The baton must be passed inside the 20 m …………….. zone.

30. Every basketball game begins with a ……………….. at the center of the court.

ه. شکل صحیح کلمه داخل پرانتز را در جای خالی بنویسید.

31. Soccer requires little ……………….. (equip)

32. Body ………………. is important in soccer. (co-ordinate)

33. Every one feels ………………. once in a while. (depression)

34. Exercise is …………………… to everyone.(benefit)

35. There are ……………….. ways to lose or gain weight. (variety)

و.متن های زیر را بخوانید و به سوالات پاسخ دهید.

Rates of improvements in triple jump are much higher than for long jump, and this boosts enthusiasm. Also, most youngsters consider the triple jump a lot more fun than the long jump. Finally, the third jump in triple jump is an elementary long jump, and methods of teaching the run-ups are similar.

36. What boost enthusiasm?

37. What is similar in long jump and triple jump?

Breaststroke is one of the easiest and most relaxing strokes for beginners. Competitive swimmers, however, find it difficult because it uses more energy that the crawl and backstroke when swum at a fast pace.

38. Crawl and backstroke use more energy than breaststroke. (True/False)

39. Beginners can swim breaststroke better than competitive swimmers. (True/False)

ز. از جملات زیر چهار جمله صحیح را انتخاب کنید.

40. Since the introduction of fiber-glass many records have improved in javelin.

 41. Javelin throwing is not a very complex action.

42. In hurdling, the baton must be passed.

43. The substitute must have the referee’s permission

44. In basketball, when the game is tied, the referee stops the game.

45. In soccer, no particular body size or physical build is necessary.

46. In Olympics, the games must not have more than 15 events.

47. To get “set,” concentration should be on rear leg and opposite arm.



1. (      )                  2. (      )                  3. (      )                  4. (      )                  5. (      )                

6. (      )                  7. (      )                  8. (      )                  9. (      )                  10. (      )


11. (      )                12. (      )                13 (      )                 14. (      )               

15. (      )                16. (      )                17. (      )                18. (      )


19.                                          20.                                          21.                                          22.

23.                                          24.                                          25.


26.                                  27.                      28.                                  29.                               30.


31.                                 32.                                       33.                                  34.                              35.                        




38. True/False                          39. True/False

ز. جملات صحیح عبارتند ازشمارههای:

(         ), (        ), (        ), (        )

                         موفق باشید


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زبان تخصصی تربیت بدنی سال سوم-شهریور

هنرستان تربیت بدنی ناحیه ۵ مشهد - زبان تخصصی سال سوم -شهریور۸۹ الف. پاسخ صحیح را انتخاب کنید.

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زبان تخصصی 1)متون تخصصی تربیت بدنی و علوم ورزشی،4 استاد،2 جلدی ویراش جدید 2)مجموعه 200 متن و 100

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