نمونه سوالات interchange 3

  • نمونه سوالات شفاهی IC3

    interchange 1 (unit 1, 2 , 3, 4) 1.      What do your family call you? 2.      How do you spell your first name? 3.      Are you and your best friend classmates? 4.      Are you a member of any clubs? 5.      Do you like to live in this town? 6.      Where are you from originally? 7.      Where is your father now? 8.      Who is Celine Dion? 9.      How is your English class? 10.  What is your best friend like? 11.  How do you greet your family members? 12.  How do you greet your friends? 13.  How do people greet in Japan? 14.  How do you like English? 15.  Is your mother from Canada? 16.  Is your first language English? 17.  What does your first name mean in English? 18.  What do you do? 19.  What is your favorite job? 20.  What are you going to be in future? 21.  What is the best job in Iran in your opinion? 22.  What is the worst job in Iran in your opinion? 23.  What does your father/husband do? 24.  How does he like his job? 25.  What does a cashier do? 26.  What does a nurse do exactly? 27.  Where does a pilot work? 28.  Who can play musical instrument really well? 29.  Where do you go to school/university? 30.  How do you like your school/university? 31.  Can you design web sites? 32.  Who can design web sites really well? 33.  When do you usually wake up? 34.  When do you go to bed? 35.  Do you ever take a nap? 36.  What time do you usually go to bed at night? 37.  What do you usually do on Fridays? 38.  Do you ever work on Fridays? 39.  Do you need a job? 40.  Why do you need a job? 41.  What job do you need? Why? 42.  What is favorite color? 43.  What does your favorite color mean? 44.  How do you feel when you look at your favorite color? 45.  How much are your shoes? 46.  There are one red cell phone and a blue one. Which one do you prefer? 47.  What kind of shoes do you like better? 48.  How much is your watch? 49.  What is your shirt made of? 50.  What are your shoes made of? 51.  A wool jacket and a cotton jacket. Which one is better for winter? 52.  Compare Esfahan and Yazd? 53.  Is an ant bigger than an elephant? 54.  Do you ever use internet? 55.  What do you think about internet? 56.  How do you usually sell your things? 57.  How do you usually buy your stuff? 58.  What is your favorite kind of music? 59.  How often do you watch TV? 60.  How often do you listen to music? 61.  What is your favorite kind of movie? 62.  Do you like horror movies? 63.  Do you play the piano? 64.  What musical instrument can you play? 65.  What do you think of Iran’s TV? 66.  Who is your favorite singer? 67.  Who is your favorite actor/actress? 68.  What time does your English class start? 69.  How often do you go to English class? 70.  Would you like to go out on Friday? 71.  Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest restaurant? 72.  How much do you know about your favorite singer? 73.  Where was s/he born? 74.  What was his/her best hit? 75.  What is your favorite song? 76.  Do you like to know more about your favorite singer? 77.  How can you get mare information about him/her? 78.  Compare Laptops and Desktop computers. 79.  Compare spring and winter. 80.  What are you going to do on next weekend?

  • نمونه سوالات شفاهی IC2

    interchange intro (second part) 1.      How do you feel today? 2.      Do you have any problem today? 3.      What`s up? 4.      Do you feel energetic today? 5.      Are you happy today? 6.      Were the tests easy? What did you do? 7.      What`s the date today? 8.      What`s the day today? 9.      What foods do you like? 10.  What foods don’t you like? 11.  Do you like potato chips? 12.  Are they good for your health/body? 13.  Do you like fruits? 14.  What are the fruits good for? 15.  What foods are good for body? 16.  What foods aren’t good for health? 17.  What are your favorite fruits? 18.  What do you have in your refrigerator? 19.  Do you need anything to get? 20.  What do you need to buy? 21.  What are you going to get today after test? 22.  Do you need any bread? 23.  Who usually gets fruits in your house? 24.  Where do you usually get your foods? 25.  Can you make fruit salad? 26.  What salad can you make? 27.  What is your favorite dessert? 28.  Do you ever make desserts? 29.  What do you usually have for breakfast? 30.  Are you going to have anything special tomorrow? 31.  Do you ever eat fruits after lunch? 32.  Do you ever eat dessert after meals? 33.  Do you ever eat vegetables with your foods? 34.  What do you usually do after having breakfast? 35.  How often do you visit your relatives? 36.  Do you ever drink orange juice in the morning? 37.  Who do you usually have breakfast with? 38.  Where do you like to live? 39.  Are you going to change your place? 40.  What foods do you usually eat on Fridays? 41.  What time do you usually eat lunch? 42.  Do you usually make yogurt? 43.  Do you usually eat anything special on holidays? 44.  When is your birthday? 45.  What do you usually do on your birthday? 46.  What are you going to eat this New Year`s Eve? 47.  Why are you going to have this food? 48.  Are you traditional? 49.  Do you usually give anything on this occasion? 50.  Do you usually get anything on this occasion? 51.  Do you have any special tradition on birthdays? 52.  When is New Year in Iran? 53.  What are you going to do on New Year`s Eve? 54.  Do you like sports? 55.  What are your favorite sports? 56.  Why do you like this sport? 57.  Is it interesting/relaxing? 58.  Is it dangerous/safe? 59.  Is it easy/difficult? 60.  Can you play golf? 61.  What sports do you usually play? 62.  Who do you play … with? 63.  Where do you usually play? 64.  How often do you practice? 65.  When do you usually practice? 66.  How often do you go for a walking? 67.  Do you ever stretch your body in mornings? 68.  What time do you start practicing? 69.  Do you play any sports? 70.  Do you like to watch sports on the television? 71.  When do people usually play hockey? 72.  When do people go ice-skating? 73.  What do you usually do in your free time? 74.  Do you play any sports in your leisure hours? 75.  What sports do you like to watch? 76.  What sports do you like to play but you can’t? 77.  Can you do anything special for entering talent contest? 78.  What talents/abilities do you have? 79.  Can you act in front of people? 80.  What special thing can you do? 81.  Can you take photos? 82.  Can you cook? 83.  Can you sing well? 84.  What do you do? 85.  What`s your job? 86.  Can you fix a car? 87.  How many different kinds of races can you think of? 88.  How do you like your job? 89.  What are you wearing today? 90.  Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend? 91.  What are you going to do after this term? 92.  Are you going to celebrate Christmas? 93.  Are you going to celebrate your husband`s birthday? 94.  What are you going to do after this test? 95.  Where are you going to go after this? 96.  Can you say the names of Months? 97.  Can you tell me some of holidays in Iran? 98.  How do you usually celebrate them? 99.  How do you usually celebrate Mother`s Day? 100.    ...

  • نمونه سوال اینترچنح 1 (Interchange 1) چهار درس اولInterchange 1 sample test

    Listening A) First, read the following questions then listen to the conversation twice and answer them in complete sentences. (3) 1. Where does the conversation take place? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. What does Steve buy for Maria? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. How much is it and is it reasonable? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Who does buy the tie? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. How much does he/she pay for it? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..       B) Listen to the CD twice and fill in the blanks. (3) Department stores in the ⁶______________ are very large. They’re called department stores because they have many different departments. For example, you can buy dresses, ⁷___________ , and ⁸_________ in the Women’s ⁹__________ Department. Most department stores have TVs and radios in their Home ¹⁰______________ Departments. Do you want to read a book? Go to the Book Department! Do you want to buy a pair of ¹¹__________ or a¹² ___________? Go to the Jewelry Department! There are a lot of other reasons why people ¹³_______ in department stores. You can buy things at special low ¹⁴__________ when department stores have ¹⁵________. Department stores are ¹⁶_________ places to shop because people can get ¹⁷________ everything they want in one place.       C) Fill in the blanks with the given words. (2.5)     member   experience       actor       assists         bid   receptionist         fan   recognize    allowance      perfect         tag     cashier   18. I look at the price ____________ to see how much the dress costs. 19. I have a part time job so I don't get an/a _________________ from my parents. 20. I ____________ $200 for the painting. 21. I’m a real ___________ of Ronaldo. He plays football very well. 22. A flight attendant ______________ passengers in an airplane. 23. She is a ______________ of our club. 24.  ________________ is a person who answers the phone in an office. 25. The weather is _____________ for a picnic. 26. I don't have any ________________             , but I can learn quickly. 27. He is Jackie Chan. Don’t you _____________ him?!   D) Prepositions: (2) around at before early in late on until   Patrick is a part time nurse. He works ²⁸__________ midnight ²⁹__________ weekends. Patrick sleeps most of the day and wakes up a little ³⁰__________ nine ³¹__________ the evening, usually at 8:45 or 8:50. He has breakfast very late, ³²___________ 9:30 or 10:00 P.M.! He watches television ³³__________ eleven o’clock. ³⁴__________ in the morning, usually around 5:00 A.M., he leaves work, has a little snack, goes home, goes to bed, and sleeps ³⁵__________.   E) Write questions or answer them: (5) 36. _______________________________________________? I like the leather one. 37. _______________________________________________? I would like to, but I have to work late. 38. _______________________________________________? I like rock music a lot. 39. _______________________________________________? They're $20. 40. _______________________________________________? I ...

  • New Interchange Exam

    A ) نقطه چين را با كلمات داده شده كامل كنيد.  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> a) husband                  b) tie       c) windy              d) to          e) purse 1. It's fall. It’s ……… 2. Is Mr Brown your brother? No, he’s my …………….. 3. Are these your keys? No, my keys are in my ……………. . 4. Is his brother wearing a ……………….? 5. It's ten …………… ten. B ) مترادف كلمات ستون A را از ستون B پيدا كنيد.          A                                             B 1. dad= …………                       a) afternoon                2. bike= ………...                      b) children          3. kids= …………                       c) father 4. AM= …………                        d) bicycle    5. PM= …………                        e) before noon   C ) فعل صحيح داخل پرانتز را مشخص كنيد. 1. My parents (live - lives) downtown. 2. Their mother (wear – wears) glasses. 3. I don’t (live / lives) in the suburbs. 4. He is (wear – wearing) pajamas now.   D ) گزينه صحيح را انتخاب كنيد. 1. Bye. Have a nice day.              a) I’m happy.                                                 b) Nice to meet you.                                                 c) Thanks, you too.   2. Hello, how are you?                 a) Goodbye.                                                 b) Not bad, thanks.                                                 c) See you.   3. Who’s that?                           a) He’s a classmate.                                                b) He’s very smart.                                                c) He’s twenty.   4. How do you go to work?  a) I walk.                                                 b) Yes, I walk.                                                 c) No, I walk.   5. How old she?                         a) She’s twenty.                                                 b) She has twenty.                                                 c) She’s young.   6. What color are your shoes?      A) It’s black.                                                 b) They’re black.                                                 c) They’re funny.   7. When do you study?               A) Yes, very much.                                                 b) At school.                                                 c) In the evening.   E )  كلمه صحيح داخل پرانتز را مشخص كنيد. 1. What’s your name? (My – I) name is Michael. 2. What’s her brother’s name? (Her – His) name is Steven. 3. Jessica is hungry (but – so) she’s eating pizza.   F ) مكالمه زير را با جملات پرسشي داده شده كامل كنيد.   _What’s your first name?              _How do you spell your last name? _What’s your phone number?    _Are you Sara ...

  • New Interchange exam

    A) Choose the best answer.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   1. A:Hello, Ashley .How are you?    B:……………. a)Nice to meet you ,too.                              b)Fine, thanks. c)See you tomorrow.                                   d)Yes, I am.   2. A:Excuse me. Are you David?     B: No, he's ……………the  television. a)in                b)on           c)in front of                             d)under   3. A:Where is he from?                    B:…………… a)He's Iranian.                                          b)Korean c)He lives in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Brazil.                                   d)He is from China.   4. It's summer. It's very hot and ………………. . a)snowy                b)windy           c)sunny                   d)cloudy    5. A:What is he like?                        B: He's tall, thin and …………… . a)cute                    b)short             c)fat                       d)small   6. It's raining but I'm not wearing a …………… . a)skirt                   b)belt                c)suit                     d)raincoat   7. A:What are you doing, Jason ?     B: I'm hungry so I'm …………… pizza. a)watching           b)dancing            c)running               d)eating   8. My sister doesn't ………………… to her work. a)driving              b)drives               c)drive                  d)to drive   9. It's ten A.M. It's ten …………………. . a)at noon             b)in the morning     c)at night            d)in the evening   10. Handsome equals ………………….. . a)good-looking    b)shy                    c)friendly             d)serious   B)Complete the following conversations with correct words.   11. A: Is my book on the desk?    B: No, it ……………. .It's on the chair.   12. A:………… are the glasses?   B: They're in my bag.   13. A: What's your first language? B:…………… first language is English.   14. A: Do you study at night?      B: No, I study ……………the afternoon   15. A :Is it five to eleven?            B: No, it is five …………… eleven.     C)Match the following questions with correct answers in column B .                     A                                                         B 16. What's this called in English?                       a)A quarter to five. 17. Is your teacher from the U.S.?                     b)Yes, she does. 18. What's the weather like?                              c)Calculator 19. What time is it?                                           d)No, she isn't. 20. Does Sue live in downtown?                        e)Hot and humid                                                                         f)It's beige.   D)Complete the following sentences with correct words in the below box. to-watches-suburbs-husband-next to-purse-tie   21. These are white ………………… . 22. A: Are they your keys?  B: No. My keys are in my …………………. . 23. Your workbook is ……………………… ...

  • نمونه سوالات زبان تخصصی کامپیوتر

    نمونه سوالات زبان تخصصی کامپیوتر سوالات کامپیوتر صفحه اصلی| عناوین مطالب| تماس با من | قالب وبلاگ| پروفایل نمونه سوالات زبان تخصصی کامپیوتر تاريخ : یکشنبه چهارم فروردین ۱۳۹۲ | 12:18 | نویسنده : محمد حسین نورآذران نمونه سوالات زبان تخصصی کامپیوتر2012/12/28       06:47   ب.ظComprehension (10    marks)1-      All computers……………… and process information in the form of instructions and characters.a- accept          b- reject           c- access          d- fetch2-       Words of processor and CPU can be used…………. .a- interchange b- interchangeably       c- interchangeable       d- interchanged3-      Which of the following statements matched with the word “applications software”?a-      Direct the computer          b- used for a specific job c- the programs                      d- hardware plus software4-      The internal manipulative operations are called……………. .a-      the input    b- the output   c- the processing         d- a & c5-       The phrase "multimedia" means:a- Software that enables computer to think like experts.b- A combination of text with sound, video, animation and graphics.c- Use of computers to stay in touch with the office while working at home.d- Internet system designed to provide free, interactive access to vast resources for people all over the word.6-      …………….divides data into groups based on similar features or limited data ranges when data is not labeled in a way that is favorable to mining.a- Tables          b- Trees           c- Clustering                d- Graphs7-      What did Linus Torvalds use to write the Linux Kernel?a- GNU programming tools    b- Mimix         c- Unix            d- KDE8-      A………… is an electronic device which connects all the data cabling in network.a- Hub                         b- Convertor                c- Adaptor                   d- Switch9-      A system that allows a user to interact with a computer using a combination of inputs, called:a-      Multimedia            b- Multimodal interface          c- Operating System   d- Compiler10-  Which of the following statements matched with the word “Bandwidth”?a-      Capacity of a network connectionb-      High capacity internet connectionc-      Application service providerd-     Facility for storing large amounts of information11-  Which of the following terms is defined by statement " A 32 -bit number identifying a node in an IP network"a- Resolution Protocol            b- Internet Address     c- Gateway      d - Look-up table12-  Which of the following statements is false?a- Internet addresses are an integral part of the IP.b- Internet addresses can be written as a series of numbers.c- UDP software provides final routing data within the receiving system.d- TCP only works when it is combined with IP.13-   Which of the following statements is true?a- SMTP is the only protocol for transforming messages between servers.b- POP protocol allows the user to download one massage at a time.c- IMAP is different in operation from POP.d- IMAP4 requires more bandwidth than the other email protocols.14-  An example of page presentation language is called ……………. .a- Meta language         b- XML           c- HTML         d- Markup language15-   The phrase "SGML" means:a- A language from which you can create other languages.b- Extensible markup language.c- An example of page presentation language.d- ...

  • مقایسه Touchstone با American English File

    مقایسه Touchstone با American English File

                          تغییرات جدید در کلیه مراکز مهرپویا در خراسان رضوی درکلیه مراکز مهرپویا خدمات رسانی و تجهیزات آموزشی استاندارد ارایه گردید ضمنا دبیران مراکز با دو حقوق ثابت و متغیر سود در درامد زایی آموزشگاه سهیم شدند لازم به ذکر است کلیه دبیران و اساتید آزاد مرکز بیمه تامین اجتماعی شده اند در ضمن با توجه به اینکه برای اساتید دکتر از نظر مالی صرف نمی کرد تا به شهرستانها رفت و آمد داشته باشند طی قراردادی با اساتید برتر دانشگاههای فردوسی خیام و امام رضا در مشهد کلیه کلاسهای تافل و آیلتس در استان به این اساتید واگذار گردید بنابرین دیگر نیاز به استفاده از اساتید دانشگاه های آزادهمچون دیگر مراکز آموزشی در شهرستانها منتفی شد و بهترین اساتید مشهد برای آموزش تافل و آیلتس به شهرستانها رفت و آمد می نمایند لازم به ذکر است قبل از اینکه شعباتی در شهر های استان داشته باشیم بعلت نداشتن صرف مالی هیچ استاد درجه  یک حاضر به رفت و آمد به شهرستان نبود   لازم به ذکر است دوره های پیشرفته اینگلیش ریزالت برای بزرگسالان و اساتید دانشگاهها به برنامه آموزشگاه و متقاضیان آزمون آیلتس اضافه گردید